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Playing tourist in Helsinki before debconf

I'll be arriving late the 6th, and staying in a (relitivly cheap)
hotel in Helsinki until the 9th.  This means I have Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday to play tourist (and recover from jet lag).

I'm more intersted in technology (including historic) and history than
architecture (althouth that can show intersting technology sometimes)
or art.  I've been reading toursit books (Fodors and Lonely Planet)
and am open to sugestions or others joining me for part or all of it.

The steamship to Portoo (www.msjlruneberg.fi) and the museum train
back sounds intersting.  (or visa-versa for more time in Portoo) That
would be on the 9th since the train only runs on Saturday.

Tallinn is another posibility for a day trip.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
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