Re: Bad bed situation at debconf5
On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 10:18:06PM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Hi
> As you all know there are only about 67 beds for MORE than 200 people.
> Which is really bad, considering how big the sponsorship is compared to
> other debconfs. At least what I know of it. Well, yes, the location/land
> is really expensive also, so that makes some trouble with money.
> But there could be a solution:
> These two things cost near nothing. So - either Ikea likes to sponsor us
> also, or anyone getting a bed pays some of this (from 0 to all of ot,
> depending on how much sponsors stockholm still can find) and we have a
> bed situation that is actually acceptable and doesnt let us all go and
> look for hotels or stay home.
Brilliant idea! Only, Dalselv is 47EUR in Finland. Even at IKEA
they charge premium here...
Regards: David Weinehall
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