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Re: The future of mkisofs

Joerg Schilling wrote:
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com> wrote:

I happily offer the suggestion that since the program has not been limited to ISO9660 images for years, the name implies limitations which don't apply, and since you can create images for most common optical media, that a name like "mkoptimage" would be more correct as well as preventing confusion.

mkisofs is a well known program name and I cannot see that your proposal for a name change could help to reduce confusion for users.

Wow, think about that! You have to tell people many times a month that the program called cdrecord in many distributions is really "wodin" and works differently than your original cdrecord. Do you really want to be bothered by having questions about *three* versions of mkisofs, the current one in a38, the old one shipped with some distributions, and your new cleaned up version? It sounds like a waste of your time to me! And as for user confusion, I always install current cdrecord as "CDrecord" so I won't get the one which comes with a distribution. It would help the users if you did that with the enhanced mkisofs, because they wouldn't use an old version and complain, or try to use features in the new version and find they "don't work."

You know that no matter how confused the user is, it always gets reported as bug in your software.

Best of both worlds, you don't get questions caused by users confusion, waste time chasing bugs that aren't, and users know what they are getting.
The probably biggest help for _new_ users was to list only the "most important"
options in case of a usage error:

Most important Options:
        -posix-H                Follow sylinks encountered on command line
        -posix-L                Follow all symlinks
        -posix-P                Do not follow symlinks (default)
        -o FILE, -output FILE   Set output file name
        -R, -rock               Generate Rock Ridge directory information
        -r, -rational-rock      Generate rationalized Rock Ridge directory info
        -J, -joliet             Generate Joliet directory information
        -print-size             Print estimated filesystem size and exit
        -UDF                    Generate UDF file system
        -dvd-video              Generate DVD-Video compliant UDF file system
        -iso-level LEVEL        Set ISO9660 level (1..3) or 4 for ISO9660 v 2
        -V ID, -volid ID        Set Volume ID
        -graft-points           Allow to use graft points for filenames
        -M FILE, -prev-session FILE     Set path to previous session to merge

to lead people to the right options.


Bill Davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com>
 "Woe unto the statesman who makes war without a reason that will still
be valid when the war is over..." Otto von Bismark

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