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Re: Linux problems

Joerg Schilling wrote:
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com> wrote:

Since you mention VCD, what is the correct burning magic for cdrskin? I've created images with vcdimager, but they are cuefile+bin, which is not supported. Is there a software which produces a single burnable image?
These file may be burned with cdrecord. You need a recent original source
instead of the bastardized Rethat variant you seeem to use.

They may be burned, but they don't work, which is why I would like to try another software.

I have created standard images and burned with and without -sao, and created images with the "--sectors-2336" option and burned with -sao,

Are you unwilling or unable to understand?

you need to use the cue file!

Of course, what has that to do with anything? Using with cuefile I need to use -sao, and if I create with 2336 sectors I assume it will work better with "--sectors-2336" although I tried without that as well.
cdrecord 01.01a31 was current when I tried it.
The needed support has been added to the end of last year.
That support is in the Fedora version as well, which doesn't complain about using the real name of the device and doesn't need to be run as root, so can be used on production systems.

This is of course a lie.
You make these blanket statements... which you you think is untrue, that 01.01a31 was current, that the other version I have knows about curfile=, that it doesn't pretend to malfunction with real device names, or that all software except your has been updated not to need root access?

Surely you don't suggest that any production system would give all users root password to run your software?

bill davidsen <davidsen@tmr.com>
 CTO TMR Associates, Inc
 Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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