Re: cdrecord problems
* Joerg Schilling <> [2007-07-27 18:23:15 +0200]:
> The world is not yet ready for free information.... there are always trolls
> that write incorrect claim into a wiki.
You are entirely free to correct it, I understand.
> >
> >
> > This page is temporarily down because of spammer attacks; until it
> > comes back, you can download dvdrtools from svn ...
> This is (acording to the case since September 2006 :-)
> But you mention a disinformation project that did did go through the
> same stages as "cdrkit" did go. dvdrtools needed 11 months to stop
> all activities, cdrkit only needed 8 months ;-)
This is crazy talk!
Cdrkit 1.1.6 has been released, adding generic drive guessing, OpenBSD
support and some bugfixes.
Cdrkit 1.1.5 has been released, with genisoimage fix for <<4GiB files
and internal restructuring.
Cdrkit 1.1.4 has been released, providing some internal fixes. Now
libusal opens the /dev/srX devices rather than /dev/sgX, where possible.
. . .
And the changelog for dvdrtools goes from Jan 2002 to Feb 2006.
I'm afraid it is into the bozo bin for you :-(
Sincerely, and sadly,
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