Re: cdrecord problems
* Greg Wooledge <> [2007-07-27 11:55:19 -0400]:
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 09:59:36AM -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> > Perhaps I am talking out of turn here, but isn't this mailing list
> > restricted to covering the Debian fork (reference
> > <>)?
> No, this mailing list predates 2006 by quite some time. It's a general
> list for discussion of all CD and DVD writing software, although in
> practice, it's just for Unix-type systems.
> It just happens to be hosted by Debian.
> Don't let the flame wars get to you... wodim is just as much on-topic
> here as cdrecord is, and each one has its place.
Oh, I'm used to flame wars, but not so used to paranoia.
I do have a question, though. I know about cdrecord, wodim, and
dvd+rw-tools. But are there any other CD/DVD writing engines out their?
Ones with source code, that is.
I don't mean alternate front ends, but engines. Is there a good site
with a feature matrix? This site, though amusing, does not have one:
One more bit of more sour amusement:
This page is temporarily down because of spammer attacks; until it
comes back, you can download dvdrtools from svn ...
Now who would do a thing like that?
Tux rox!
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