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Re: growisofs TOSHIBA SD-R5002 problem

japie:~$ growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J -use-the-force-luke=dao
Executing 'mkisofs -R -J /mnt/lfs/home/japie/tmp/Test/ | builtin_dd
of=/dev/dvd obs=32k seek=0'
/dev/dvd: engaging DVD-R DAO upon user request...
/dev/dvd: reserving 1432352 blocks
/dev/dvd: "Current Write Speed" is 1.0x1385KBps.
:-[ WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=3h/ASC=0Ch/ACQ=00h]: Input/output error
:-( write failed: Input/output error

japie:~$ dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd
 Media Book Type:       25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Legacy lead-out at:    1432352*2KB=2933456896

Which means that it recorded lead-in (at least part of it), but failed to write a bit of data... 3/0C/00 stands for generic write error, by the way... H-m-m-m... For now let's forget about DVD-R and concentrate on DVD-RW. Does it fail in same way?

As told, burning with dvdrecord goes without problems, so if I can help
debugging this I would be glad.

Can you submit exact command line and output with -v option. To save public bandwidth, submit output to me personally. A.

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