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How to make iso fs with Joliet extension from ext2 filesystem having utf-8 filenames?

Hi all,
I have a directory on an ext2 filesystem with filename in UTF-8 like 'Trịnh Công Sơn'. I run
mkisofs -R -J -o somefile.iso mydir
then write to a CD-R with cdrecord 2.0.6. The result disc has correct filename in Rock Ridge extension (On Linux, I can see the orginal filename as above); but MS Windows does not see the correct filename (it showes 'Trá»_nh CA'ng SÆ¡n').
It seems that mkisofs (2.0.6) convert each BYTE in utf-8 filename to 16bit character instead of convert each utf-8 CHARACTER to 16bit character. (In utf-8, the character ị is encoded as E1 BB 8B, the character ô is encoded as C3 B4, the character ơ is encoded as C6 A1.)
I cannot try the input-charset option because utf-8 is not in the supported list of character set.
So, what i sthe correct options to use in this case.
Thanks in advance,

Lê Hồng Bội
+84 91 3715235

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