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Re: displaying fonts with sub pixel rendering broken?

Hi Michel

Thanks for  your reply!
Am Freitag, 19. Mai 2006 17:20 schrieb Michel Dänzer:
> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 15:34 +0200, Seiden Tiger wrote:
> > Yesterday 18.5.05 i upgraded my Sid system. And now all fonts are looking
> > terrible compared to earlier. I tried to fix this by installing an older
> > package of xfont-encodings. But it didn't help :-(.
> >
> > I don't know where this problem comes from, so i can't file a bug report.
> > I tried to install a self compiled libfreetype6. But it didn't help.
> Still, it's most likely related to libfreetype6; that upgrade caused a
> visible change in font rendering here as well, though thankfully not
> nearly as bad as it seems for you.
Thanks to your hint (also i could have been smart enough to find it out 
myself, instead of compiling the same version again), i istalled libfreetype6 
2.1.10-3 and everthing is fine again. So you really saved my from some 
eyestrain while looking at blurry text :-))).
> The X font packages you upgraded that day only apply to legacy server
> side font rendering and aren't involved in client side font rendering as
> used by modern desktop environments.
Yeah, that was my impression to...

But digging around a little bit i found that only kde programms seem to be 
affected. Firefox didn't show any font rendering problems but konqueror did!
Going back to 2.1.10-3 made both font renderings equal again. 

So if no one has a better idea, i am going to file a bug against 

Thanks for your help

PS: Please CC i am not subscribed.

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