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Re: A problem with the hebrew about.wml page

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 11:52:23PM +0300, Oz Nahum wrote:
> I just noticed the Hebrew translation for the above mentioned page,
> http://www.debian.org/intro/about.he.html, appears indented to the left
> which causes the page to look very bad.
> How can I change it the the right ? Should be done using the css file or the
> wml file itself ?

Never change this in each translation of a wml file. It should be fixed
only once at a single location.

I doubt the CSS file (e.g. arabic/debian-ar.css) is responsible. It
seems that the WML construct {#check_trans#} is translated into <div
class="bidi"> at least for Arabic (it's used in
english/template/debian/mainpage.wml, ...). But where is {#check_trans#}
defined (there is no relation to check_trans.pl, right?)?

Could it be that wml needs to know that Hebrew is a bidi language????

> Also, on the languages bar on the bottom it says
> עברית (ivrit) <http://www.debian.org/intro/about.he.html>
> but should be עברית (Hebrew) <http://www.debian.org/intro/about.he.html>
> Where does this need to be changed ?

In english/template/debian/languages.wml (I wrote you already (multiple
times IIRC) about this). But I think it is OK. For Japanese we use also
"Nihongo" instead of "Japanese" which should be the transliteration of
the Japanese translation of this word. Similar rules applies to
Hebrew as well (or is Hebrew the translitaration of עברית?).

PS: Please create a Hebrew CSS file based on arabic/debian-ar.css so
that you can use proper quoting signs in the output of "<q>a quote</q>".

PS2: It seems like template/debian/release.wml contains also a lot of
translation stuff. Hebrew is missing in it.


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