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Re: Please don't remove outdated translations if the difference isvery small


> That kind of intelligence does not have to be artificial. What about the
> original writer estimates whether his modifications are merely cosmetic or
> require a new translation ?

That might be nice, but I don't think such a scheme would actually work. It
would require the original authors (which are many) to agree on how to
handle this.

> And what about the translation team has other priorities than considering
> every single spelling mistake correction of the original file ? Doesn't it
> make sense to set priorities ?

Yes. That's why there is a six month's grace period. If you haven't got time
to check your files for *minor* updates in six months, you aren't doing your
job, volunteer or not.

> So you are actually saying that a translator can actually bypass the
> modifications and resurrect a file unmodified to satisfy the needs of an
> obsolete verification model ?

The translator can resurrect the file, bump the version number and commit it
again. If he just resurrects it without updating the version number it will
be autopurged again next week.

> more flexible system has to be set that will stop putting unnecessary work
> load on translation teams.

If the translation teams can't handle the load they should either get more
people or focus on a smaller number of pages.

> We are not talking "ignorance" here but "irrelevance". And "irrelevance"
> is definitely an excuse.

If the translations are irrelevant, then don't do them. Concentrate on the
important pages. There's no need to translate all of the pages. Just because
I haven't got a life and thus have the highest number of translation for any
single language for the Swedish translation doesn't mean that all the pages
are important to translate (I know several which aren't, and which I'm
thinking of deleting because *I* can't keep up with them).

But as I said earlier. If anyone can come up with a better system that is
guaranteed to work, please do. Keeping dead translations around is *not* a
better system.

\\// Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/

  I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.

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