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 I now translated this file to german and stumbled though some things
(not to mention some of the possible typos I've spotted):

 In the entry name="mailing-list" at the end there is a list of the
different non-english user-lists. Am I right that the names of the
languages are in their native format in there?  So that my addition of
the german list with "Deutsch" is right instead of "German"?
 Furthermore - shouldn't I just add the german list to the translation
and drop all the others from the file?

 And, in the entry name="lan-install": I think that would be a good
place to propose the apt-proxy package first of all, can someone write a
paragraph for that or do I have permission to do so?  I guess that's
even more useful than using squid - after all it's specially designed
for that.

 So long,
> Nachts bei 160 auf der leeren Autobahn mögest Du mir ebenfalls den
> Autofahrer zeigen, der da noch auf Sicht unterwegs ist.
auf einer leeren autobahn befingen sich keine autofahrer *g*
         -- Richard Hanisch in <Xns90F6A6E8C2176kurazbigfootcom@news.ycom.at>

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