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Re: questions on webwml/english/templete/debian/cdimage.wml


At Sun, 13 Jan 2002 10:42:48 +0100 (CET),
peter karlsson wrote:

> Lynx automatically transliterates many alphabets (I can sort-of read
> the Russian page in Lynx, the page title is "Universal'naya
> Operacionnaya Sistema". The only things not showing properly are the
> far-east characters. But if I set my display to use UTF-8, I will see
> them as well.

Do you think we can use entity for far-east characters now for
Debian pages?  It would be nice if developers' names were written
in their own character like Greek, Cyrillic, Han Ideogram, Hangul,
and so on.  However, for European people, my name would look like
"?????" (or bare entity expression) instead of "Tomohiro KUBOTA".

The point is the usage.  Pages should be meaningful even when
non-ASCII characters are not displayed well.  (Imagine the
far-east characters in your lynx example were some security alerts.
It should not happen!)

> The best solution would probably be to transcode *all* our pages to use
> UTF-8 and automatically remove the entities that can be expressed
> properly.

I agree this.  However, this ideal can be realized _after_ all of us
will come to use UTF-8 locales.  Please wait until sufficient UTF-8
softwares will be available and people will stop using non-UTF-8 locales.
(Please note there can be softwares which boast themselves to support
UTF-8 while they cannot use east Asian, Thai, Indian, Hebrew, Arab, and
so on.  Of course I want to fix it because I want to use softwares with
my native language - Japanese).

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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