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Re: A few high level questions for all platforms

>>>>> "Jose" == Jose Miguel Parrella <bureado@debian.org> writes:

    Jose> If DPL Team/Committee worked, and delegations start to feel
    Jose> more permanent (delegated functions make sense, terms are
    Jose> long) then why wouldn't a few of those delegates become Debian
    Jose> Leadership Team members alongside DPL, tech-ctte chair and
    Jose> Secretary? Why wouldn't the "Debian Spokesperson" role, a
    Jose> formal one that could get invited by any event organizer like
    Jose> a DPL would, be a Constitution-regulated one?

I would be against this change.  The current system gives the DPL a lot
of flexibility.  Today you're seeing that different candidates would
focus on different things and organize the people who helped them

Sticking these roles into the constitution removes that flexibility with
very little gain.

I think flexibility is valuable.

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