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Re: Dovecot correct ownership for logs

On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 08:20:17AM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> No the point is, you are not setting a file path, you are configure dovecot
> to directly write to these files.
> And dovecot is not just one process, there are multiple running as
> different users all trying t write into one file. Race conditions are
> to be expected. Because these options exist does not mean it is  a good
> decision to use them.

This is speculation.  When writing to log files, one normally opens the
file in append mode.  Multiple processes opening a single log file in
append mode, and using atomic write() calls, will not have any locking
or concurrency issues.  It'll just work.

Now, the question is whether Dovecot and Postfix both work this way.  I
don't use those two programs, so I don't know the answer to that.

It has become apparent that nobody on this mailing list has the intimate
technical knowledge of Dovecot and/or Postfix required to assist the OP
with setting up this nonstandard logging configuration.  I would suggest
that the OP should try on a Dovecot or Postfix support list instead.

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