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Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

On 03/04/13 10:12, Doug wrote:
On 03/04/2013 11:59 AM, Chris Davies wrote:
Thomas D. Dean <tomdean@speakeasy.org> wrote:
The ANSI standard lists ESC[4m as the code to produce an underline
export TERM=ansi80x25
printf "\033[4masdfasdfasdf"
produces green text, not underline text as stated in the standard.
Please can you try this (before you do an "export TERM"):

     tput smul; echo perhaps this is underlined; tput rmul

This uses the "proper" characteristics for the terminal you've declared
(which may - or may not - be ESC [ 4m).


I've been looking at this thread for a while, and decided to try
the tput stuff, and it works on the Konsole-terminal in pclos.
Just in case anyone cares.


I tried so many things, the terminal is tired!

tput...   does the same as ESC[4m...

Also, ncurses A_UNDERLILNE does the same

Changes color to blue

Ansi says exc[xxxm should change the color to blue if I use xxx=34
and exc[34;1m bold blue.

This is a color display attached to a Raspberry Pi. If I startx, I can produce underlined text with printf "\033[4This is underlined\033[0m"

But, this is a low powered CPU and I want a form on the screen.
ncurses will give me most of what I want.

Tom Dean

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