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Re: ESC[4m does not produce underline

Thomas D. Dean <tomdean@speakeasy.org> wrote:
> I tried so many things, the terminal is tired!
> tput...   does the same as ESC[4m...

OK. The tput looked up your declared terminal type ($TERM) in the
terminfo database and returned you the appropriate code assigned to
"start underline". So if it doesn't work then either the terminal type
is wrongly defined (always possible) or the emulation/display you're
using represents underline as green text.

> Ansi says exc[xxxm should change the color to blue if I use xxx=34
> and exc[34;1m bold blue.

Again, you can use tput to get the colour codes in a (relatively)
terminal-independent way. See man 5 terminfo for (really) gory details.

> This is a color display attached to a Raspberry Pi.  If I startx, I can 
> produce underlined text with printf "\033[4This is underlined\033[0m"

Ah. So your X Windows based emulator understands ESC [4m but your console
window (without X Windows) doesn't. It appears that my console
(TERM=linux) represents underline with cyan text.


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