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Re: unexpected script output

berenger.morel@neutralite.org wrote:
> >Wow.  1-4 times a day?
> Usually:
> 1: when I am moving from train to work
> 2: when I am leaving work to train
> 3: when I am moving from train to home
> 4: when I am leaving computer for bed
> :)

Ah, I see.  It isn't because the machine is unstable or needs it but
simply as a natural progression of Real Life.

> >Why is it necessary to reboot?  I would like to understand this use
> >case better.
> I am using testing/unstable/experimental + external tools, and have
> some troubles with few actions, which I did not had enough time to
> try to solve. Some of those problems are related to hibernate, an
> example is a freeze when I change wifi state will booting from an
> hibernation,

I have seen various wifi drivers not be happy across a
suspend/hibernate resume.  I have needed to unload them on the way
down and reload them on the way up.  Or unload and reload them after
the resume.

> and another one is that sometimes, pm-hibernate just
> does nothing.

I have never been completely happy with the pm tools.  They just have
not been as reliable and didn't support as much hardware.  It works
for me now that I have ThinkPads and so I use it.  But previously when
I had HP/Compaq laptops it didn't work and I needed to patch into the
kernel the suspend2 now known as TuxOnIce system by Nigel Cunningham.
That always worked flawlessly and very fast.  I wish that code had
been gated into the kernel.  It always worked better for me.

> For first example, I know how to reproduce, but lacks
> time to fix it, for the latest, I have no clue about when and why it
> happens.

It is a black box and some things are not observable without
considerable effort.

> Hardware/kernel/driver things are still mysterious for me.
> I also have some troubles because of mechanical/electrical problems
> inside of my computer, which also makes safer for my data to
> shutdown.

Have you tried suspend to ram?  I pretty much only ever suspend to
ram.  Because my Thinkpad will stay suspended to ram for about seven
days without charging and I never leave it unused for that long.  So I
never use hibernate to disk these days.

The other thing is that I have a fully encrypted disk.  If I suspend
to ram then I don't need to descript the disk, just my screen locker.
If I hibernate to disk and power off then I must enter my disk
encryption key.  That is much longer.

> Another reason is that it's "harder" to hibernate than to shutdown:
> I have no DE,

I don't run a DE either.  I realize that many people grab the mouse
for everything but I am not one of them.  (So as not to mislead people
I do usually run X11 with either fvwm or awesome for my window
manager.  But that is as far as it goes.)

> and I do not really like the idea behind using daemons
> to do things as simple as controlling the power management.

I would need to dig to see what is actually doing it but I did not
install any daemon in particular (I am running tpb think pad buttons)
but the Fn+sleep button works for me after an installation without
doing anything special to enable it.  I assume it is simply triggering
a suspend through the /proc/acpi/sleep and so is probably an acpi
function.  I do have acpid installed and it is probably involved.  I
don't consider that too heavy of a daemon process.

But you could always write a shell script to trigger sleep by echo'ing
into /proc/acpi/sleep and then wiring it to whatever you wished.

> I do not like too to have a constant root console opened.

Suggestion: Add yourself to the sudo group and then simply use 'sudo
whatever' to sleep.  For sleeping I would add the NOPASSWD to sudo for
that command.  It is your machine in your physical possession.
Allowing it to sleep without a password seems reasonable to me.

> And what make things easier is that using the power switch of my
> computer is actually faster than using
> "su\n<password>\npm-hibernate\n"

I just hit the sleep button and it works.  Same thing.  Different button.

There is also a hibernate to disk button.  It works for me.  But I
almost never use it.

> That's things I could fix, by example by understanding how acpi can
> be configured, but I did not had enough time for that for now.
> I really would like to understand how to configure acpi, since some
> of keys on my eeepc are just doing nothing.

I suggest trying acpid and seeing what it gives you without
customization.  You might be pleasantly surprised.  Works for me
without doing any customization.

> There is those problems, but I also have a strong (wrong) habit to
> use #poweroff instead of #pm-hibernate. Well... another thing is
> that's actually easier to write poweroff :D

Next time try pm-suspend.  If it works then you might become a convert
over to it. :-)

> This habit is not so bad, since my computer's boot speed is really
> small. Less than a minute to have it fully working...

It is about 30 seconds for me on an Atom machine like your Eee Pc Atom.

> I am also thinking to configure my computer to make it "modal" (with
> runlevels): I do not always have the use for all stuff which is
> loaded in default situation, and selecting the mode at boot is
> easier than using a root access to change runlevel when things are
> running.

Sure.  That is what runlevels are there for.

I don't think it would be easier for me.  Press TAB at the grub boot
screen and then edit the much more complex grub2 config.  (Grub1 was
much simpler.)  But conceptually starting into different modes is
exactly what runlevels were designed to do.

> By example, I have no use for ssh when I am not at home or at work,
> since I do not have access to more than one computer in those
> situations.

But it doesn't hurt to let it run.  Might speed a second off the boot
time.  If the ram is needed and it isn't being used it will be pushed
into swap space and so won't be a memory issue.  Since you need enough
memory to run it on the times that you run it there isn't any downside.

> At work and in train, I do not need the wifi,

Do you have a hardware switch?  I simply switch it off to save battery
power of having the radio off.

> and I am using different networks settings in different buildings
> (wpa-ssid and keys) and so I could use runlevels to change
> parameters. Runlevels could be a convenient way to manage that, but
> they can be changed by root or at boot. Root is not a convenient
> way, from an ease of use point of view.  (Currently, I am starting
> things at hand when I need them...)

  $ sudo telinit 3

But I would rather write a script that shuts down processes I don't
need and starts up others that I do need.  I have actually done this.

  killall irssi
  sudo service openvpn stop
  sudo service bind9 stop
  sudo service ntp stop
  sudo service postfix stop

And the reverse to bring them back online later.  I personally would
prefer the scripted approach with suspend-to-ram over the runlevel

> And about the portability problem, I did not thought about it
> immediately, but IIRC I mentioned the fact that there could be
> scripts not working perfectly in a first time, did not I?

But it is the other way around.  Bash is more permissive and has more
features.  So for someone switching from dash to bash they won't see
any problem.  It is the reverse of switching from bash to dash that
removes features where they might see a problem.

One of the original purposes for dash was that it was strictly POSIX.
So the theory went that if you developed on it then it would work on
any other POSIX compatible shell.  It has always been easier to
develop on a more strict system and then port to the more slack one
than the other way around.

> You are true, little slow down are not a problem, and even less
> nowadays when people sounds like to love to use bloatwares and big
> DE.
> I should have said immediate consequence, because I was really
> meaning the first difference noticeable.

Because I have some data now I wanted to drift back to the original
topic for a moment.

I tried the experiment of timing the boot time differences between
bash and dash.  I used an Atom D525 for this purpose.  It takes 5
seconds for the BIOS to continue to the boot loader.  Grub is
configured for a 5 second delay to give me time to interact with it.
I could remove that delay but I like having the ability to interact
with it.  It took 19 seconds for the system to boot to a login
prompt.  That is 29 seconds total from power up to login prompt.  I
did this three times with the same result each time.  I timed this
with a stopwatch and my thumb.

I switched the symlink from dash to bash and rebooted.  Same thing.
It took 19 seconds for the operating system from boot to login
prompt.  For the same total time of 29 seconds from power up to login
prompt.  There may be a performance difference but I couldn't measure
it with my thumb and a stopwatch.  This is a Squeeze 6.0.6 system with
a spinning hard drive.  It would be faster with an SSD.

Those times are relatively short.  But there were measured on slow but
modern hardware.  For a real test I dropped back to an old Pentium II
Coppermine 866MHz 256M ram machine.  Make no mistake this is a very
slow machine by modern standards!  It took 11 seconds for the BIOS
plus 5 seconds for the grub delay and then with dash took 97 seconds
to boot to the login prompt for a total of 113 seconds total.  Now we
should see some real differences.  I switched it to bash and it took
98 seconds to get to the login prompt.  So same thing.  That is within
the measurement error of my thumb.  There might be a performance
difference but I couldn't measure it with my thumb.

I also tried a VM but that isn't really fair since it is on a faster
host.  But in any case the VM booted from the end of the grub delay
screen to login prompt in 12 seconds.  Same thing with either shell.
Just no difference to measure.

When I read this thread it sounds like I am much too picky.  Sorry.  I
just believe that sharing knowledge and communicating is good.  I have
written much here because I have enjoyed the conversation so much.  I
hope you read it in the spirit it is intended and enjoy it too.


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