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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 08:42 -0700, T Elcor wrote:
> ----- Original Message from Lionel Trésaugues -----
> > Lowering the brightness helps a little bit to make the pain more bearable,
> > but it is still unpleasant and hurtful after a while.
> Another thing you may want to try is to connect your monitor through the VGA connector instead of DVI, if you have the right cable.
> Not sure if that would help, just curious if that would make any difference.

Analog cables could cause echos :D. For computer screens digital for
sure is better, even while analog is better for many other things. OTOH
failure might compensate something that's related to the OPs issue.

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