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Re: Unread bug reports ?

On 25/06/11 19:43, Camaleón wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:27:19 +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On 25/06/11 03:36, Vecu BOSSEUR wrote:
> (...)


> (...)
> I can feel his pain :-(

Which does nothing to negate the problem caused when this list is
broadcast on side band where swearing is illegal, or when it offends
thin-skinned people.

I can validate his anguish also. I also know several developers who,
wrongly, have acted like sulky children when people demand things from
And like watching someone shoving at the outward-opening door at the
Institute for the Intellectually Gifted I feel compelled to offer them a
more productive approach to the problem...

> You open a bug report willing to help and you get no reply... that's very 
> discouraging for the reporter. And I am not talking here about to get the 
> bug solved *now* but just a single reply that makes you think, "hey, at 
> least someone cares about it and it's being debugged".

Here - have a hug. Feel better? ;-p

> But no reply is the "common" way for every bug tracking system I've used: 
> most of the time the bug is solved because is so old that the application 
> is no longer maintained >:-)
> Greetings,

I could have looked in the wrong places - but it didn't appear the
maintainer of the package in first quoted bug-report has been active
since January. But then I spent all of 2 minutes looking.

NOTE: the swearing, followed by the "it never worked" (if it never
worked, then it's not broken now!) was promptly answered by the
maintainer. Do you think the maintainer will be so quick to respond next

All this would be a waste of time if there is no problem - you did get
the bit where it's an ubuntu package? Did you see the error message Vecu
posted? Is it the sort of thing "you'd" just leave to the package
maintainer to fix?
If it's a bug it's a bug, and the maintainer should know about it.
That's distinct from "the maintainer should fix it". If the maintainer
won't fix then someone who wants the problem resolved, should fix it.

Personally - I'd make real sure it was the maintainer fault before
filing a bug report, and I'd endeavour to find a fix to accompany the
bug report. If I managed to find a fix and a week passed without word
from the maintainer - then I'd post to this list. My 2c.


I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullsh#t. We're a
virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.
~ Bill Hicks

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