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Re: Unread bug reports ?

On Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:27:19 +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:

> On 25/06/11 03:36, Vecu BOSSEUR wrote:


>> The other one really is not really a problem cauz' there's no solution
>> : FUSECOMPRESS has always been a bullsh&t !
> Please comply with the posting rules - ^ it's not prudishness, it's a
> legal issue. If you can't control what you post and respect the rules
> why should any one take the time to help you?
> NO F*&&%^G swearing in this list. Ok? :-) See:-
> http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct


I can feel his pain :-(

You open a bug report willing to help and you get no reply... that's very 
discouraging for the reporter. And I am not talking here about to get the 
bug solved *now* but just a single reply that makes you think, "hey, at 
least someone cares about it and it's being debugged".

But no reply is the "common" way for every bug tracking system I've used: 
most of the time the bug is solved because is so old that the application 
is no longer maintained >:-)



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