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Re: Why do I get "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker"?

On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 03:21:40 -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:

> I went to cdimage.debian.org and downloaded
> http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/release/6.0.1/i386/bt-dvd/
> Then tried to use it to download using Transmission (though I've tried
> other BT clients and had the same result).
> I got the error message "Requested download is not authorized for use
> with this tracker".
> What can I do to fix that?
> I'm behind a NAT, if that matters -- though I've tried it from a machine
> with a "real" (i.e. world routable) IP address, and gotten the same
> results.

Most of the NAT setups out there use an external and routeable IP address.

> I've googled for that message, and looked thru the debian-user archives.
>  It pops up from time to time and I've never seen anybody say it's been
> fixed.

Yep, I remember a reply from myself to someone who was experiencing the 
same error months ago:


> Has *anybody*, *ever*, succeeded in downloading a Debian DVD via
> bittorrent?

Try to download another ".torrent" file (not the Debian ISO but another 
app), from a different server to discard any problem within your 
configuration or client.



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