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Re: [OT]I just got a phish call!!!

On Sat December 20 2008, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> I now live in Orillia.  I used to live near Kingston.  If I had said
> that I lived in Stone Mills Township in Lennox and Addington County, few
> would know where that is.

you live in Canada, where it is WAY too cold! Canada is that big area 
above "the states" :)
I live in Georgia, a few Kilometers east of Louisiana, and almost ( but not 
quite) as far south as Ron. Right now here it is 19 degrees C, and tomorrow 
will be 20C :) and I live in a County in Georgia, one of 159 counties in 
Georgia, and most people in my county haven't even heard of Linux! (unless I 
told them)

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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