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Re: [soopar OT] Mac killed my keybaord

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Gregory Seidman wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 04:39:22PM +0000, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 12:12 -0400, Gregory Seidman wrote:
>>> Nope, the right-click is just the same as any other two-button mouse.
>>> Pushing the mouse down with a finger to the left of the top of the mouse is
>>> a left-click, pushing the mouse down with a finger to the left of the top
>>> of the mouse is a right-click. The squeeze is an entirely different
>>> operation, and can be bound to a variety of actions. If you just use the
>>> mouse as you are used to using a two-button mouse, it just works (assuming
>>> you have enabled the right-click in preferences).
>> Either way, it still proves my ultimate point:  Apple originally
>> designed a single-button mouse to keep the learning curve as low as
>> possible.  The fact we're having this much discussion over how to make
>> use of modern Apple mice suggests they're failing miserably at the
>> intuition part of the "simple mouse."  They have managed to take
>> something with very little learning curve and made it an order of
>> magnitude more difficult and less obvious to use than similar competing
>> products, which seems to me is counter to Apple's overall UI goals.
> Actually, if you sat down to use the mouse you'd find it worked just as you
> expected. Or if you plugged in a mouse you were used to. But Apple
> continues to design the system around a single-button mouse to make a
> friendly learning curve. You don't need a second button to interact with
> Mac applications. A click-and-hold brings up contextual menus the same way
> a right-click does. For those of us who expect something different,
> however, that is supported as well.
> It's clear to me that you are arguing this from a position of dedicated
> ignorance. When was the last time you tried to use a Mac? Perhaps a trip to
> an Apple store would give you some experience on which you could base your
> end of this discussion. Don't forget to ask the employees at the store to
> help you out. If you tell them you want to see how to use the Mighty Mouse
> as a two-button mouse, they'll be happy to help set the appropriate
> preference.

This is not fact. There might be dedicated salespeople who are genuinely
helpful. There are a lot who aren't. If I go to 4 mac stores tomorrow
half the sales people will almost certainly fob me off.

I own a macintosh (iMac G5). It runs Gentoo. I had a crack at osX (it
came with leopard on it), and by the time I got it to the point where i
could use it it was cluttered as hell from all the hacking I had to get

More to the point, is that it came with one of those slimline metal
keyboards. Honestly, this is one of the best keyboards I've owned, my
mac is now keyboardless, I use that metal one at work.

_BUT_ during the osX stage, the crazy updaty thing, which I might add is
absurdly annoying, came up and offered me a "firmware update" for my
keyboard. When I saw this, my immediate thought was "who in their right
mind would produce a keyboard that needs firmware?!".

But, curiosity got the better of me. And now my beloved keyboard doesn't
work the way it used to. On a PC the "clear" key used to toggle numlock,
so on my laptop I could have the numpad work. Now it locks the numlock
(Can't be turned off without unplugging the keyboard) and after pressing
clear the keyboard stops working until I unplug it, turn off numlock,
and plug it back in.

It behaves like a laptop keyboard in this mode, with the umo. square as
a numpad.

Which is all well and good, but if I plug it into my desktop, which
defaults to numlock on, I can't turn it off at all, without finding
another keyboard, or finding ome arcane X option, that a) I can't type,
and b) I can't get into man pages to find it.

So basically, an Apple update broke my favourite keyboard. There are
similar reports all over mac forums of people with similar experiences
on osX.

Where's this rant heading? After this happened, I was outraged, so I
went to the mac store.

I was told a) I was an idiot. What I was saying happening wasn't. Mac
don't make mistakes.
	b) No I can't get a keyboard with the old firmware, it's not supported.

How is this good customer service.

> If you don't want to actually interact with the user input devices and user
> interfaces we're discussing, I certainly can't make you. You do have to
> admit to yourself, however, that dismissing it out of hand with no
> experience is no different from those who say Linux is too hard or isn't
> ready for the desktop without ever trying it out.
>> Paul Johnson
> --Greg

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Rich Healey -              healey.rich@gmail.com
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