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Re: backports vs testing (etch)

On 2/24/06, Roberto C. Sanchez <roberto@familiasanchez.net> wrote:

> To begin with, backports.org is designed to allow the user/admin to
> stick with a proven and stable system, but upgrade small parts of it to
> newer releases that are built to run on the older libraries available in
> stable.  For example, I run Sarge (since I am trying to finish my thesis
> sometime this year and I no longer have time to deal system breakages
> that occasionally happen in testing/unstable).  However, I need the
> latest openoffice.org packages.  If they were not available from
> backports, I would probably get them from upstream (as I have with Eclipse).
> So, if you need stability with some (i.e., few pieces of) newer
> packages, then backports are the way to go.  If you need all the latest
> stuff, then testing/unstable is the way to go.
After adding bacports to sources list and less priority in prefernces,
can one do upgrade? Or one shold comment out backports after
installing say openoffice and firefox to ensure stability?
linux user No.205042

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