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Re: backports vs testing (etch)

Martin Paraskevov wrote:
> I am confused as to why backports.org <http://backports.org> exists. If
> I want to use the latest software,
> should I use backports.org <http://backports.org> or I should upgrade to
> etch (I am currently using sarge).
> What happens if I use backports for some time and then decide to upgrade
> to etch.
> Will I end up with a broken system? What is the philosophy of backports?
> Thanks,
> Martin

To begin with, backports.org is designed to allow the user/admin to
stick with a proven and stable system, but upgrade small parts of it to
newer releases that are built to run on the older libraries available in
stable.  For example, I run Sarge (since I am trying to finish my thesis
sometime this year and I no longer have time to deal system breakages
that occasionally happen in testing/unstable).  However, I need the
latest openoffice.org packages.  If they were not available from
backports, I would probably get them from upstream (as I have with Eclipse).

So, if you need stability with some (i.e., few pieces of) newer
packages, then backports are the way to go.  If you need all the latest
stuff, then testing/unstable is the way to go.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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