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Re: backports vs testing (etch)

L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> On 2/24/06, Roberto C. Sanchez <roberto@familiasanchez.net> wrote:
>>To begin with, backports.org is designed to allow the user/admin to
>>stick with a proven and stable system, but upgrade small parts of it to
>>newer releases that are built to run on the older libraries available in
>>stable.  For example, I run Sarge (since I am trying to finish my thesis
>>sometime this year and I no longer have time to deal system breakages
>>that occasionally happen in testing/unstable).  However, I need the
>>latest openoffice.org packages.  If they were not available from
>>backports, I would probably get them from upstream (as I have with Eclipse).
>>So, if you need stability with some (i.e., few pieces of) newer
>>packages, then backports are the way to go.  If you need all the latest
>>stuff, then testing/unstable is the way to go.
> After adding bacports to sources list and less priority in prefernces,
> can one do upgrade? Or one shold comment out backports after
> installing say openoffice and firefox to ensure stability?

If you follow their recommendation and pin the backports sources to a
very low priority, then you should be OK.  As far as upgrading, it will
not be officially supported to upgrade from Sarge+backports to Etch
(once Etch goes stable).  However, the people uploading to backports.org
are the package maintainers themsleves, so I imagine that they are least
considering the possibility that people will be upgrading with their
backported packages installed.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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