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Smartlist vacation, lists gateways

Hi there. Just came back from vacation to find 500 (and counting) debian-user messages on my mailbox. No big deal, I'll just wipe out everything with debian-user as destination. :-P

But in shake of netecology and lazyness, I would like to find out how to put my subscription on vacation, which is what I always prefer for high volume lists anyway, since I prefer to Google Group such lists. I had a quick try to find out how to do it in a Smartlist before vacation, but my only results were: Smartlist uses X-Commands (simple additions to the mail headers I supose) to interact with the list-request script, it needs an addon to support suspend (vacation), and there's another for parsing commands in-message-body.

1. A quick test ("help \n suspend \n end" to debian-user-request) produced no feedback, so I take in-body commands aren't enabled. Is suspend, and what's the X-command to set it?

2. Actually, I would prefer not to be subscribed at all, since I read the list as news anyway. But I know all my messages to debian-user went to /dev/null or equivalent without any error/moderation warning back, until I subscribed my e-mail account. Is registration really required, or is there a bug on the road?

And for extra points:

3. The only backside of Google Groups, is that I can't post directly from there. What other news (or any other service that eases the lurking of such copious information) gateways do you use? (specially bidirectional ones). I seem to recall Gmane used to be able to send to debian-user.

Best regards.

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