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Re: Set your system clock

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 13:28 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:

> Generally speaking, the same servers you use for DNS are what you'll use 
> for NTP.  NIST doesn't particularly like it when you use their 
> timeservers when there's better (ie, closer to you) servers for you to 
> use.

The NTP folk have set up a cool DNS entry, "pool.ntp.org". If you point
your time sync'er daemon at that, you get a list of a number of NTP
servers, provided at random (or maybe load balanced), who've volunteered
to be a server for anybody. Every time you restart the daemon, you get a
different list.

It's better explained in the dox at www.ntp.org (site seems to be down
right now).

But whatever you do, don't use NIST (or any other stratum 1 server).
They've got better things to do than tell the likes of you and me what
time it is. Stratum 2 will keep your clock within a few milliseconds.

Glenn English

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