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Re: unable to lose wallet!

On Sunday 13 February 2005 12:08 am, Richard Lyons wrote:
> IIRC, I eventually thought I could give it a try on a site that I regarded
> as unimportant.  It seemed not particularly useful, but I guess that was
> the trigger for it to become a complete block on all other sites too.  I
> shall probably have to purge everything kde to get rid of its database,
> and then reinstall the bits I use again, and simply suffer the damn thing
> popping up when it chooses.  They really ought to have a "do not show
> this window again" option for those who do not want it.

I don't know how much this thread has morphed, but if it's about "kde wallet" 
then I must say that it's a great tool..

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
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