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Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 12:43:56AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> invites the same to be done to it.  And if we don't want people messing 
> with the US they why the hell do we put up with the US messing with other 
> nations.  It's called a double-standard, really pissy things.


Definition of Isolationism

   1. involvement without commitment - "advantages without obligations"
   2. no permanent, entanglinq alliances
   3. keep U.S. sovereign, free, at peace
   4. emphasis on legalism, not force
          * a "law-bound" world of Great Powers keeping order
   5. continue the Open Door concept

I watch the History channel and C-Span when I'm not scratching my balls.

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