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Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

Katipo wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 13:42:14 -0600 "Dave's List Addy" <listonly@webpresencegroup.net> wrote:
On 1/26/04 6:00 PM, "Paul M Foster" wrote:
1. Don't call us when you need help fending off the next power-mad psycho bent on enslaving the entire planet.

This personality is your current president, ably assisted by a cabal of like personalities.

   Such as a multitude of European leaders.  Sorry, I really dislike the guy
but there's no comparison.

2. Don't call us when you've finished erecting the full-on socialist state you're busy creating in Europe, and you don't like the results.

I'm not European, but from my objective viewpoint, they seem to be heading
 in the right direction.

    How's that?  Socialism doesn't work.  Hasn't worked before.  Won't work in
the future.  Doesn't work in small scales.  Doesn't work in large scales.  It
falls apart and in the process ruins all that it touches.

Why don't you just get your totally unnecessary military bases out of there.

    I'm sorry, I must have missed something.  When did the nations in question
request they be removed instead of request that they be there?  In spite of
your skewed perception of reality those bases can only exist at the sufferance
of the nations that provide the land for them.

    Be that as it may I happen to agree with you there.  But let's keep the
facts straight, eh?

You only went in to Yugoslavia because after the russian withdrawal from east Germany, there was no more justification to stay on in west Germany (although, I note you are still there), to maintain a military base on the
 european continent.

    While I think it was a mistake I find it interesting that you feel that
Europe, in general, trending towards socialism is a good thing (based on the
"good" it does for the pleb...er, citizens) yet poo-poo the US from stopping
the slaughter of one people by another in *BOTH* directions.  One presumes
then that you'd rather they just up and kill themselves or is it more that you
only want a government doing the right thing when it is your version of what
is a proper government?

3. Don't come here to escape your crushing taxes.

Imposed as a necessity to pay off the exhorbitant cost of American 'aid.'

    Uh, no.  France and Germany are doing quite well on their own by
increasing their population base even though there is not a need through
subsidized breeding programs which guarnetee large sums of money per child.
That has to be funded somehow; guess how.

4. Don't come here to avoid your crappy socialized health care >

The only westernized nation that spends less on health care/capita than the
 U.S. is Turkey.

    Aaaand we still have people from nations with socialized health care
coming here to get treatment.  What's that tell you?  Hint, see the top of my
message about socialised systems NOT WORKING.

5. Don't expect sympathy when 3000 of your citizens become victims
of the next Islamist nut job with a plan, who claims he hates the U.S. but inexplicably attacks you instead.

And where is this occuring, other than with your 'friends and allies.'

    Oh how quickly we forget Yugoslavia.  I mean you only see it as
heavy-handedness.  Try reading the details sometime.

6. Don't come here to find "opportunity" or "the promise of a better life." That includes you, Mexico.

The "opportunity" and "the promise of a better life" are all things of the
 past in America.

    Yet people still flood here from other nations.  Imagine that.  Have you
honestly been here to find out firsthand?  I think, actually, that opportunity
is quite apt.  Look it up sometime to see the difference between it and what
most of Europe is sliding towards.  Opportunity it is not.

It's true that the U.S. have taken in many from other cultures, it's also true that it is also the standout hotbed of racism in the world today.

    *laugh*  You've got to be kidding me, right?  The standout hotbed of
racism?  You mean what happened in Yugoslavia wasn't racism.  Or what happens
on a daily basis between Isreal and its neighbors?  How about the handful of
racial purges in central Africa.  Dare we also mention the racial tensions in
SE Asia?  What do all of those have in common that isn't present in the US
which is the "standout hotbed of racism"?  How about open bloodshed of
thousands of people?  How about the regular occurance of rape, torture,
mutlation and wholesale slaughter?  Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall
a single instance of whole communities being murdered in recent US history.

Your national baseball competition is termed the 'World Series.'

    And yet we bring in players from other nations.  Tell me, outside of
Japan, where else is there a widespread playing of Baseball?  Actually, that's
the wrong question to ask.  When the phrase was coined outside of the US how
many nations had baseball teams?  Hm?

When I visit your country, my visa is stamped with the word 'alien' as if I
 am not of the same species, perhaps not even from the same planet.

    It's obvious from your writing you have an excellent command of the
English language yet you quibble over words that have multiple meanings.
Sorry, the entire language has that.  I'm quite positive most people aren't
expecting you to be a little green man from mars from that word...

Main Entry: 2alien
Function: noun
1 : a person of another family, race, or nation
2 : a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a
subject or citizen of a foreign country; broadly : a foreign-born citizen

    ...given that the dominant two usages have nothing to do with the 3rd.

If you look around, you will observe many other symptoms of the disease, but this will not slow you down in your headlong flight into lunacy.

    Actually I'd enjoy you to give further examples to prove that it is you on
the headlong flight into lunacy.

A U.S. open source advocate that spent some time overseas recently, returned to the states and noted in his writing that it was fashionable to
 hate America throughout the world at the moment.

    Which it is.  Your post proves it so because if your are representative of
that fashion then the ignorance is quite profound.

It's not fashion, it is more substantial than that. But clowns like you that read and believe every word in your tame press will not even pause to
 consider why this might be.

    Uh, no, it isn't more substantial.  It's funny that clowns like you
believe that all Americans do two things:

a: only listen to their press and
b: believe everything it says.

    We do get broadcasts from other nations here.  A good many people do
listen to them.

Why an ever accelerating number of world citizens, ordinary everyday people, are rapidly taking up this perception.

    Could it be because they are listening to their media and believing all of
what they say without thinking for themselves?  Could it be the limiting view
their parochial education and limited political choice?  I mean the hypocricy
and ignorance in your message is stunningl; bordering on dumbfounding in fact.

In the not too distant future, the U.S. is going to be the last bastion of
human existence in a world totally populated otherwise by terrorists, and
still you will refuse to consider that you are going in the wrong

We're going the wrong direction. What would the right direction be? If your message is any indication it is to let racial hotbeds where thousands are slaughtered for no better reason than they are different because you're more concerned about the fact that the US has, at best, racial tensions. Tensions, I might add, which are fed more by the people trying to "fix" it than the people they're supposedly trying to perpetuate it. It is to limit freedoms, strip individuals of their earnings, make them dependant on the state all in an effort to do.. what? Set them free? Of what?

All your pathetic faith placed in personalities like Bush and
Cheney, once and still executive figures with Enron and Haliburton, prime
examples in the history of corporate corruption, and still not brought to

Another misconception in a message full of them. Newsflash, Bush lost the popular vote. There are quite a few people here pissed off about that. Furthermore he has butchered the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Many more people are ticked off about that. If you think that the US is uniformly behind its present you're just plain stupid. I, for one, have no faith in Bush and if it were possible less in Cheney. I didn't vote for them and certainly won't come the next election. I've been vocal about my opposition. Do a google search.

> I note that Haliburton recently finished its' allocated contract in
the restoration of Iraqi oil reserves. Jobs for the boys. I note also, in
passing, that Iraq possessed 25% of the worlds' oil reserves. I employ the
past tense because it doesn't anymore, does it?

Yes, and? You think all Americans are happy about those events? Hell even our "tame media" has reported about the dissention and has made inqueries as to why that's all happening. What, your media not cluing you into that fact.

7. Don't expect our help in creating an economy or a society that actually works. Our founding documents are all on the internet for you
 to peruse. That's how we did it and how we do it.

Advertised, but not adhered to. Franklins' America doesn't exist anymore.

Yes. And some of us aren't pleased about that and are fighting to get it back. Having people like you lumping "all Americans" together in your passe' fad of hating Americans through your hypocritical notions certainly doesn't endear us to you.

8. Don't expect to benefit from any technological advances created in the U.S., including new life-saving drugs.

Derived from global forests that are being mown down at a phenomenal rate by American timber interests, given the nod by American backed South American dictators trained in the school of the americas in Georgia, U.S.A. The potential for new, life-saving drugs is being destroyed faster than the current species extinction rate.

Uh-huh. It's our fault those nations are letting their logging companies do what they do. Yup. I mean it isn't like there hasn't been pressure on those nations to curb logging from US interests and they've refused because it is the basis of their economy. And let's completely ignore the net increase in fauna in the US at the same time.

9. Don't call us.

Well, we are still trying to, the lights are on, but no one appears to be home.

No, see, you have to pick up the phone first. So far all you've done is rant about the uniformity of American policy and fail to see the plethora of competing interests. You poo-poo certain policies while lamenting the lack of others even though the basis of both is the same. No, it is you with the lit but empty house.

Yeah, the U.S. really sucks. And we love hearing it over and over again
 from people who are cut off from the fruits of observation,

Not really, we are the ones with the subjective experience and the objective viewpoint not tied to a tame media.

Yup. That biting media sure does you well since you have a view that all Americans think the President's the cat's meow and that everything the US does is hunky-dory.

and are really incapable of doing anything but whining.

We are capable of a lot more than that, but whining will suffice for now.

Prove it. Time and again I listen to the ambassadors and representatives of the world speak and I have to laugh and the doublethink they have to go through just to make it through the day. My favorite is France. France has outlawed certain speech. In an interview the French representative actually said, "France has free speech. Anyone is free to say what they want so long as it isn't something that is against the law."

Or who really just have a socialist or communist agenda.

This is fifties McCarthyism, an American invention.

    Which was wrong.  Doesn't mean that socialism and communism is right.

Quite frankly I'd be more than happy if the US got out of the world. I'm tired of footing the bill for other nation's defense. I'd love for the US to get out of Isreal and Palastine. Not that we're really *IN* it, mind you, except for urging both sides into talking instead of blowing up marketplaces and bulldozing settlements. Out of the substates of Yugoslavia. Out of the world in general. Let it all go to hell because it is clear that in most cases that's exactly what the people want. Bring it back to our borders and leave it there save for one understanding; any nation messes with us we will retaliate en force. We'll leave you hellbound hypocrocites alone but you had best leave us alone in return. Isolationist but with the right to defend ourselves. Let people come and go as they please. Let the commercial interests do what they will within the bounds of the nations they deal with but as a government, as a nation, let the world be. Stand or fall on its own. It's not our problem. Make the offical comment on every little petty (in your eyes) racial slaughter "not our problem."

But of course you wouldn't want even that, would you? I'd bet you'd be the first to whine about the lack of foriegn aid. Or the lack of some offical stance denouncing this or that. Stances are fine but woe be unto the person who wants to follow through on those stances! Oh no, that's not right! Peh. We never should have gone out in the first place.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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