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Re: distro for novices

On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 12:08:28PM -0800, Scarletdown wrote:
> RRPotratz wrote:
> For really low-spec systems, I also recommend Damn Small Linux.  I've 
> had that running nicely on an old TI laptop (486/DX2-75, 12MB RAM, 540MB 
> hard drive, dual boot with DOS 6.22/Windows for Workgroups 3.11).

hmm, that sounds quite cool, how did you get it on the laptop?  does
the laptop have a cdrom?  I have a 286 at home with no ethernet, no cd
drive, can't figure out how to get linux in there -- haven't used a
floppy drive since my mac phase starting around 1998....


 .''`.       Matt Price 
: :'  :      Debian User
`. `'` 	     & hemi-geek
if you're an evil spambot, these addresses are for you:  aardvark@derailleur.org, zeus@derailleur.org

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