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Re: knoppix HD-install problem

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 17:48:18 +0100, andreas.sumper@nimbus.at
<andreas.sumper@nimbus.at> wrote:
> Kamaraju Kusumanchi <kamaraju@gmail.com> wrote on 14.12.2004 17:19:35:
> But imho that is not true. the only differences between knoppix and debian
> are: 
> 1. knoppix has the better hardware recognition. 
> 2. knoppix has just many more packages installed than debian 
> But after all, they are the same. I can make a system, total the same as it
> was a knoppix - system. 

Agreed. But the usual trend is that 
1) people try knoppix live cd
2) get impressed by it and install it on the hard drive
3) then after sometime they realize that knoppix is not as stable as
debian and so they want to shift to debian.
4) the shifting process (from knoppix to debian) is not very clean
unless you know what you are doing or installing debian unstable.
5) The problem, I think is that knoppix mixes stable/testing/unstable
packages and puts them on to one CD. But debian is not very tolerant
to mixing these distributions. Hence all the problems.

> By the way, why didn´t you think about a solution or a hint isntead of
> flaming him for using another distro.

Sorry belahcene. I agree that just flaming without a solution is bad.

> I thought, that the debian users are more tolerant than some others, but as
> we know now, that´s just not the truth for all of us! 

They are in fact very tolerant. But remember there are many debian
based distributions out there. For example knoppix, ubuntu, libranet
to name a few. We do not get any questions about ubuntu and stuff on
this list. But there are many questions relating to knoppix -> debian

So I just wanted to emphasize that knoppix is not debian but is debian
based. I dont know howmany agree with this opinion. But if more people
feel that we can allow knoppix related questions in debian-user, I can
change the FAQ. Afterall, the idea of FAQ is to help the end-user and
not to blame him for ignorance.

> I know, I am not more tolerant, than some others, but I am fed up with those
> boring "this is not the correct forum, list, ..." and RTFM. I just try to
> help if I can and I am so glad, if someone can help me too, if I have
> problems... 

I am not sure I agree with the above statement. While RTFM is a bit
impolite, I do think asking knoppix-related questions on a debian
mailing list is a bad idea. I am not saying that  there are no knoppix
experts on this list. But answering knoppix questions will not help
debian users or debian in any way.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Cornell University

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