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Re: knoppix HD-install problem

hi ya deb/knop's :-)

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:

> > But imho that is not true. the only differences between knoppix and debian
> > are: 
> > 1. knoppix has the better hardware recognition. 

:-)  -- aka better kernel management --
	- without a good default kernel config, the hardware will NOT be
	recognized no matter how good kudzu and its derivatives are
	( ie, aka, all modules turned on -- whether thats good or bad is
	( a separate issue

> > 2. knoppix has just many more packages installed than debian 
> > But after all, they are the same. I can make a system, total the same as it
> > was a knoppix - system. 

that's probably true of most all distro to install apps into the other
that was missing ( unsupported )

> 3) then after sometime they realize that knoppix is not as stable as
> debian and so they want to shift to debian.

what is the definition of "stable" ??
	- debian has updates daily/hourly...
	- it's months between knoppix released iso ..
	( 2004-12-08, 2004-08-16, 2004-05-17 )
		- but, i'm not sure about their cvs update tree

	"things that work" with minimum keystrokes is (my) one definition

> Sorry belahcene. I agree that just flaming without a solution is bad.

always a bad idea on the flamer's part

btw.. knoppix does NOT have a mailing list on their site(s)
	- just a silly "forum" ( aka messy/unreadable/searchable forums )

> > I thought, that the debian users are more tolerant than some others, but as
> > we know now, that´s just not the truth for all of us! 

most debianites are techies :-)  vs non-techies or new windoze converts
> So I just wanted to emphasize that knoppix is not debian but is debian
> based. I dont know howmany agree with this opinion.

what's to dispute/disagree, when it's "fact" :-)

> But if more people
> feel that we can allow knoppix related questions in debian-user, I can
> change the FAQ. Afterall, the idea of FAQ is to help the end-user and
> not to blame him for ignorance.

since debian's kids ( knppix ) does not have an active mailing list,
it'd be good to provide a safe haven ( safe mailing list ) for the
> > I know, I am not more tolerant, than some others, but I am fed up with those
> > boring "this is not the correct forum, list, ..." and RTFM. I just try to

i say, if one says  rtfm, they gain points by specifying what
sections and pages to look at and other "howto docs", not a generic
"rtfm" that most people would have hopefully read/skimmed a dzone times by
the time they post to a public list

> > help if I can and I am so glad, if someone can help me too, if I have
> > problems... 
> I am not sure I agree with the above statement.

thats the whole point of the game ?

> While RTFM is a bit
> impolite, I do think asking knoppix-related questions on a debian
> mailing list is a bad idea. I am not saying that  there are no knoppix
> experts on this list. But answering knoppix questions will not help
> debian users or debian in any way.

helping the "grandkids" ( knoppix uses ) will directly help "debian"

c ya

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