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Re: copying text from console to X with gpmdata?

On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 11:08:33PM -0700, Marc Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 06:22:49PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> > Frequently when I select with the mouse and try to paste (middle
> > button) into an emacs session it doesn't work the first time, have to
> > do it some times several times before it works. Don't know why.
> Because by the time you get to the running emacs, PRIMARY is no longer
> asserted by whatever application you'd selected text in.
> Second example... you left-mouse-select in xterm, xterm asserts PRIMARY,
> you go over to emacs, but in the meantime the xterm has scrolled, the
> highlight has gone away, and xterm relinquishes PRIMARY.  Now when you
> middle-mouse, X has no one to ask for PRIMARY, and so nothing gets pasted.
I do that all the time, and it ALWAYS works.  The only problem I have is:

1. Select Text     1. Select text
2.                 2. Hit Ctrl-C
3. Select Text     3. Select Text
4. Middle Click    4. Hit Ctrl-V

You can see how an ex-Windozer can have problems.

> The PRIMARY and SECONDARY selections are orthagonal to CLIPBOARD.
Yet, Xterm selections go into both.

> One of the great reasons why the Gnome developers should be shot on sight
> is that they try to hide the fact that there are two mechanisms going on,
> thus confusing $LUSER, rather than either actually explaining it, or
> ignoring one in favor of the other.  I'm not sure what KDE does, but I'm
> sure it's every bit as stupid.
> The single best description of how cut and paste actually works in X11 can
> be found here:
> http://www.jwz.org/doc/x-cut-and-paste.html

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