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Re: Phone dialer for Linux

In article <[🔎] 40241F70.1030903@vanadac.com>, Darik Horn wrote:
> > I'm looking for something that can be used in a way sort of like the
> > following:
> >
> > ~$ somedialer  -P{ulse}  -D /dev/ttys0 -N <1 234 567 8910>
> Try minicom, tip, and cu.  Use whatever best fits your taste.
> > I've searched and searched and I just can't seem to find a simple,
> > command-line phone dialer for use with pulse/rotarty (ie non-touch
> > tone) phone lines.
> Set pulse dialing in the modem initialization string.  In your terminal 
> emulator options, change all instances of "ATDT" to "ATDP".

Yes, but some (most?) tone-modems ignore the "ATDP", and dail pulse
anyway. I found that out when using my 56k modem in Bulgaria
(I bought it in the Netherlands). Absolutely no way to make it dail
using pulses, I had to go and buy a modem in a local shop.


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