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Re: Documentation and Usability was Re: EXT3 at install..no more?

Monique Y. Herman wrote:

I love debian, and I do try to help people in those limited places where
I might have a clue.  But if someone posts to a debian user list
insulting the entire debian (volunteer) organization and threatening to
take their ball and go home, I say, good riddance.

I honestly wonder how people who are as impolitic as the OP manage to
keep their day jobs.  Surely, at some point, we've all learned that you
catch more flies with honey?

<snip etc etc>

Whereas the regulars, such as Monique above, are correct in what they say, I'd like to speak up in behalf of the OP.

He's not been with us long, and doesn't yet understand the culture of this list. He got frustrated, and he vented. I've done worse, even on this list (and probably will do so in the future, maybe even with this post), and the list eventually seems to have forgotten or gotten over my mistakes (thanks, folks!). Yes, he should have been more polite, but I think he's gotten the idea of our general feelings on the topic; now it's up to him to learn to "fit in". But I certainly understand his feelings of frustration and "need" to vent, and feel some sympathy for the guy.


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