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Re: Trouble logging on to website w/ Mozilla

On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 11:04:20PM +0200, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> Greetings list,
> I am having some trouble logging on to a website.  This is the error message I
> get:
> > Your browser has been identified as indicated below:
> >
> > Netscape 5.0 (X11; en-US)
> >
> > This site supports the following browers:
> >
> > # Netscape Navigator version 4.06 or later
> > # Netscape Communicator
> > # Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later
> When I go to the FAQ on how to setup the browser, it basically says that any
> browser with 128-bit encryption and JavaScript is supported (with the exception
> of Netscape 6.0).  I am using Mozilla 1.3 (from the unstable repository) and I
> have JavaScript enabled.
> I have already tried changing the browser agent string to try and tell the site
> I am using IE5.5, but they must be detecting from something else because it
> doesn't work.  I have already emailed their tech support and their answer was
> basically, "That's not our problem, try using IE or Netscape."  Can anyone
> suggest how to get around this?

Not really, but if you poke around Mozilla.org you should find an
evangelism link, it's best to report problem urls there, so the
organisation can take whatever proactive steps they do, to convince web
site owners to follow standards. If you can't find it handy (the url)
ask on the developer mozilla newsgroups.

I can't fathom a web developer turning away potential "eyes" or clients, based
on poor development standards. I bet the management aren't even aware of

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