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Re: Trouble logging on to website w/ Mozilla

 --- Stephen <marathon@linux.ca> escribió:
> Not really, but if you poke around Mozilla.org you should find an
> evangelism link, it's best to report problem urls there, so the
> organisation can take whatever proactive steps they do, to convince web
> site owners to follow standards. If you can't find it handy (the url)
> ask on the developer mozilla newsgroups.
> I can't fathom a web developer turning away potential "eyes" or clients,
> based
> on poor development standards. I bet the management aren't even aware of
> it.

Seeing as the site happens to be the Defense Finance and Accounting Service
(run by the US Dept. of Defense), I can totally see it.  Pretty much every US
government related website (except perhaps some of the more enlightened
research labs) I visit pretty much requires IE in some form or another.  It is
rather sickening.  Oh, well.


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