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Re: fetchmail stopped during dist-upgrade

on Tue, 23 Jul 2002 01:54:43PM -0700, Vineet Kumar insinuated:
> * Nori Heikkinen (nori@sccs.swarthmore.edu) [020723 11:23]:
> > the ones related to postfix were:
> > /etc/postfix/access
> > /etc/postfix/canonical
> > /etc/postfix/pcre_table                                              
> > /etc/postfix/postfix-script
> > /etc/postfix/regexp_table
> > /etc/postfix/relocated 
> > /etc/postfix/transport 
> > /etc/postfix/virtual
> For each i in the above list, you should also have a
> $i.dpkg-<something> . The <something> depends on what you answered
> when dpkg asked about what to do with the config file. It might be
> .dpkg-old , .dpkg-new , or .dpkg-dist . You can go inspect those and
> use diff to see how they're different from the ones currently on
> your system, and accordingly fix your configs. Or, if you've only
> made a few customizations and the config files have changed
> significantly, move your existing ones out of the way, move the new
> ones in place, and re-make your changes to the new ones.

okay, i do have the files as you described  above:

orange:/etc/postfix> ls *.dpkg-dist
access.dpkg-dist      regexp_table.dpkg-dist  virtual.dpkg-dist
canonical.dpkg-dist   relocated.dpkg-dist
pcre_table.dpkg-dist  transport.dpkg-dist

these contain nothing but comment lines, every single one of them.

i'm confused about the old vesions -- are those the ones in

orange:/etc/postfix/db> ls
access.hash               canonical.recipient.hash.db  relocated.hash
access.hash.db            canonical.sender.hash        relocated.hash.db
aliases.hash              canonical.sender.hash.db     transport.hash
aliases.hash.db           headerchecks.regexp          transport.hash.db
bodychecks.regexp         mydestination.hash           virtual.hash
canonical.hash            mydestination.hash.db        virtual.hash.db
canonical.hash.db         relays.hash
canonical.recipient.hash  relays.hash.db

the .hash files are all empty.

afaict, the files like /etc/postfix/access.dpkg-dist and
/etc/postfix/db/access.hash.db have nothing in common.  

thanks again for your help!


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu 
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori/jnl/daily.html
   // \\          @ maenad.net
  /(   )\       www.maenad.net

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