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Re: Propagating Debian on a LAN

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 07:46:23AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> If this is an overkill, you could install with disk on all your
> maschines the smallest base system, so that your machines can connect
> to the net/mirror/proxy. Then export your package selection on the
> machine, where you have done a complete install with 
> "dpkg --get-selections >my-selections", and import this selection on
> your other machines with "dpkg --set-selection < my-selections".


> When you now run a "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" all selected
> packages should be installed.

No. 'apt-get upgrade' will proceed to make its own decisions. You want
'apt-get dselect-upgrade' (or 'dselect install').

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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