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Re: Promise RAID controler problems - 3ware

the 3Ware stuff looks like only Raid1

Phil Brutsche wrote:
Alvin Oga wrote:

IMO the 3ware RAID cards are THE solution for hardware ATA RAID. Everything else is substandard (firguratively AND literally) when compared to the 3ware.

Yes, there's the Promise SuperTrak (that's the card Eduard alluded to), but it costs *twice* what the comparable 3ware card does, and is 25% slower.

thought the supertrak series is about $100 - $200 range...

They actually start at $250 - $300 USD.

thought the 3ware series start at $200 and goes up to $500/$1000 range

Nope - they start at $120 USD (32-bit pci, 2 port) and go up to $800 USD (64-bit PCI, 8-port).

They are frequently available for under $100 USD on eBay.

And they're faster than the Promise SuperTrak (I think I mentioned that :)

    - depending on which model.. guess some of their stuff is good ...
    - like that they have extended ata cable driver capabillity that
    is above and beyond the normal 12" cable limits
while a silly old ( promise ultra100 tx2 ) ata pci controller card is $40 which is suitable for software raid

Now THOSE are very nice if all you need are some more ATA100/ATA133 ports.


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