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Re: Promise RAID controler problems - 3ware

> IMO the 3ware RAID cards are THE solution for hardware ATA RAID.  Everything 
> else is substandard (firguratively AND literally) when compared to the 3ware.
> Yes, there's the Promise SuperTrak (that's the card Eduard alluded to), but 
> it costs *twice* what the comparable 3ware card does, and is 25% slower.

thought the supertrak series is about $100 - $200 range...

thought the 3ware series start at $200 and goes up to $500/$1000 range 
	- depending on which model.. guess some of their stuff is good ...
	- like that they have extended ata cable driver capabillity that
	is above and beyond the normal 12" cable limits
while a silly old ( promise ultra100 tx2 ) ata pci controller card is $40
which is suitable for software raid 

c ya

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