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Regular files/directories invisible

A number of my files have become invisible to 'ls'. For example
/var/log/apache seems empty, but I can still cat/edit/... the files
which I know are there, for example:

  [iopo] cd /var/log/apache
  [iopo] ls -la
  total 9
  drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         5120 May  1 06:25 .
  drwxrwsr-x   10 root     adm          4096 May 30 09:40 ..
  [iopo] head -2 access.log
  alfredo.wise-guys.nl - - [01/May/2002:06:25:51 +0200] "GET
  /people/francisco.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4614
  iopo.et.tudelft.nl - - [01/May/2002:06:28:16 +0200] "GET /robots.txt
  HTTP/1.0" 404 204
  [iopo] head -2 referer.log
  alfredo.wise-guys.nl - -> /people/francisco.html
  iopo.et.tudelft.nl - -> /robots.txt

The files that have disappeared (that I found so far) are in
/var/log/apache, and some of my web pages in /var/www. The web pages are
still being served, and logged, however.
This disk is also NFS exported, and also from another machine through
NFS I see the same thing happening. I did an fsck on this disk and
rebooted, but no change. I run a custom 2.2.15 kernel with debian
potato. I tried a different 'ls' executable, with the same result.

Has this machine been cracked? Is the disk broken? What can I do?
Xaveer Leijtens <X.Leijtens@its.tudelft.nl>

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