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ok, after messing with ALSA and quite a bit of reading, I think I've finally 
made progress. Let me jot down what I've done so other people who might have 
my problem(s) can look it up in the archives someday:

I have a Gateway Solo 1200 with a VIA82C686A sound card. I couldn't get sound 
to work with kernel support alone. Thankfully, I got help. In order to get 
ALSA to have ./configure work properly, I had to create a file called 
version.h in my /usr/src/linux/include. To do that, I had to run "make 
oldconfig" and then "make dep". Then you can just run through the Quick 
Install in the INSTALL file of your alsa (for the editing the modules.conf 
part, make a file in /etc/modutils and put the information in there). After 
doing all that I attempted to unmute my card.

And that's where I have my latest problem. When I use amixer, I can clearly 
see that the card is unmuted, yet I still have no sound. Gamix states that I 
have a segmentation fault. Am I over looking something? Someone help please!


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