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Re: 2 questions: Sylpheed & Mozilla

On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 21:07, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> The Sylpheed question is rather easy, I hope.
> How do you uninstall it?  Just delete directories?

How did you install it? If from source, there is probably a "uninstall"
target in the source directory. cd /your/sylpheed/source/dir; make

If with apt/dselect: apt-get remove sylpheed
> Earlier I asked about how to make Mozilla my default browser.  Ok, I got that 
> to work, but now I have different problem.  Say, for example, I have a 
> hyperlink in a letter. 

You've got to provide more info with your questions: In what program do
you type that letter. Do you use Gnome or KDE? Mpzilla is now your
default browser for what? Where and how did you set it?

> Also, and perhaps related, is the 
> fact that you can't copy an address and paste it into the address space for 
> Mozilla.  

I can with Ctrl-C Ctrl-V in Gnome. Also you can mark the address with
the mouse and insert it with a middle-click. Alternatively you can
middle-click somewhere in the mozilla window (make sure not to hit a
link) and it will go there


I did not vote for the Austrian government

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