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Re: Eterm equivalent? (was Re: How to *not* restore screen after viewing man pages in X)

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 01:07:20PM -0400, Bill Benedetto wrote:
>   Dave> Cool.  Works great for xterm, but what's the Eterm equivalent?  The
>   Dave> obvious choice of

> I believe that Eterm, by default, uses Xterm resources.  So the
> same setting, "XTerm*titeInhibit:True", should work for Eterms...

That's the impression I got from what little information I could find
online, but it produces the same results (and the same errors) when
passed on the command line.  I also just tried creating a .Xdefaults
with the line

XTerm*titeInhibit: True

then running `xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults` (and `xrdb -query` to verify
that it was read) and Eterm showed no sign of noticing.

Any other ideas?

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