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Re: Eterm equivalent? (was Re: How to *not* restore screen after viewing man pages in X)

>>> Dave Sherohman writes:

  Dave> Cool.  Works great for xterm, but what's the Eterm equivalent?  The
  Dave> obvious choice of

  Bill> I believe that Eterm, by default, uses Xterm resources.  So the
  Bill> same setting, "XTerm*titeInhibit:True", should work for Eterms...

  Dave> That's the impression I got from what little information I could find
  Dave> online, but it produces the same results (and the same errors) when
  Dave> passed on the command line.  I also just tried creating a .Xdefaults
  Dave> with the line
  Dave> XTerm*titeInhibit: True
  Dave> then running `xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults` (and `xrdb -query` to verify
  Dave> that it was read) and Eterm showed no sign of noticing.
  Dave> Any other ideas?


I tested it before I posted...

I already have the "XTerm*titeInhibit:True" in my .Xdefaults.
So, after reading Eterm's manpage, to test Eterm I did this:
  Eterm -xrm"XTerm*titeInhibit:False"
which, of course failed.

[time passes whilst Bill re-runs his exhaustive tests.... :-]

Huh, again!

I'm wrong.  (Of course.)

I don't know how I interpreted that Eterm used xterm's
resources.  I was sure that I read that yesterday but it isn't
there today.

This still fails:
  Eterm -xrm"XTerm*titeInhibit:False"
but it also fails if I leave the '-xrm"XTerm*titeInhibit:False"'
off altogether.

I can only plead temporary insanity as my defense.  However, I
*DID* upgrade my system yesterday afternoon after my previous
"exhaustive" testing so I could always blame it on the upgrade... :-)

Sorry to get your hopes up.

- Bill
Bill Benedetto     <bbenedetto@goodyear.com>    The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
I don't speak for Goodyear and they don't speak for me.  We're both happy.

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