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Mounting novell volumes on linux

Hello list,

I'm stuck in a Novell/NT environment and want to mount Novell volumes on
my linux machine.

I'm running:
Debian 3.0 with 2.2.17 kernel.
kernel modules ipx and ncpfs loaded.
ncpfs version

The servers runs:
Novell 5.? with NDS

slist lists all servers on the network, but I get the following error
from ncpmount

# ncpmount -S SERVERFS1 -U user -P secret /mnt
ncpmount: Unknown NDS error (-610) in nds login
Login denied.

I have tried with the full nds name:
# ncpmount -S SERVERFS1 -U .user.con.tex.n.  /mnt
ncpmount: Unknown NDS error (-610) in nds login
Login denied.

Any help would be appriciated ?

please CC me as I'm not on the list.

Virtually Yours
 Pontus Ullgren
  Software Designer & Linux Zealot
  e-mail: pontus@ullgren.com | irc: Ponty@EFNet
  ICQ#: 2309606              | Linux user #95041
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